Race Quotes - Page 112
Martin Chemnitz (1971). “Examination of the Council of Trent”
Courage and grace is a formidable mixture. The only place to see it is the bullring.
"Marlene Dietrich's ABC: Wit, Wisdom, & Recipes".
Marcus Garvey (2015). “Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey”, p.6, Ravenio Books
Marcus Aurelius (Emperor of Rome), George Maximilian Anthony Grube (1963). “The meditations”, Bobbs-Merrill Company
Mahatma Gandhi (1965). “Glorious Thoughts of Gandhi: Being a Treasury of about Ten Thousand Valuable and Inspiring Thougths of Mahatma Gandhi, Classified Under Four Hundred Subjects”
Madeleine L'Engle (1986). “A Stone for a Pillow”, Shaw
Collected in Notebooks 1960-1994 (1994).
"Race Adjustment: Essays on the Negro in America".
Kate Chopin (2011). “The Awakening and Other Writings”, p.94, Broadview Press
It is most impossible that we should beseech mercy and grace, and not have it.
Julian of Norwich (2012). “Revelations of Divine Love”, p.72, Courier Corporation
Julian Huxley (1957). “New Bottles for New Wine: Essays”