Race Quotes - Page 93
Of all graces, faith honours Christ the most; of all graces, Christ honours faith the most.
"Reflections On Prophet TB Joshua At 46". American Chronicle, August 5, 2009.
Simone Weil (2014). “Letter to a Priest”, p.6, Routledge
Pope John Paul II (2003). “The Eucharist in the life of the church: encyclical letter of Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia de eucharistia, with three presentations from the 3rd Nigerian National Eucharistic Congress, Ibadan, November 15-17, 2002”
Philip Yancey (1997). “What's So Amazing about Grace?”, p.16, Harper Collins
Peter Drucker (2012). “Managing the Non-Profit Organization”, p.3, Routledge