Real Quotes - Page 234
Stuart Wilde (1988). “Affirmations”
Stephen Nachmanovitch (1991). “Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art”, p.18, Penguin
Stephen King (2016). “The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger”, p.240, Simon and Schuster
Stanton Peele. Ph.D., J.D. (2007). “7 Tools to Beat Addiction: A New Path to Recovery from Addictions of Any Kind: Smoking, Alcohol, Food, Drugs, Gambling, Sex, Love”, p.17, Harmony
Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (Pondicherry, India), Aurobindo Ghose (1997). “Bulletin”
Swami Sivananda (1962). “Unity of Religions”
Sheldon B. Kopp (1985). “Even a Stone Can be a Teacher: Learning and Growing from the Experiences of Everyday Life”, Tarcher