I'm really fortunate. I'm really happy, and I'm really really lucky to be where I am.
I'm really happy about American Woman, it brought the Guess Who back. They started gigging again and got their song out on commercials.
I feel like I'm at a really happy, good space.
I'm really happy. I just don't choose to show it.
I'm just really happy.
I don't need a man. I'm really happy with myself and being with my friends.
I'm just really happy to be happy for the first time since I was about 20.
I think of myself as a really happy person.
I'm really happy that I had the foundations of knowing where I came from.
I was just really happy to see Barry [Jenkins] and Mahershala [Ali] and everyone else involved with "Moonlight" get their moment.
If you ask any actor "What single thing would make you really, really happy?" Among the top five things they'd say is not having to audition anymore.