Requirements Quotes - Page 7

If inheritance qualifies one for office, intelligence cannot be a requirement.
"The Age of Uncertainty". Book by John Kenneth Galbraith. Chapter 5, p. 137, 1977.
John Andreas Widtsoe (1951). “Joseph Smith: Seeker After Truth, Prophet of God”
"A Loyalty Oath for Scholars". The American Scholar, Summer 1951.
Herbert Marcuse (2015). “Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud”, p.92, Beacon Press
the first requirement of war: allies must not kill each other.
Deborah Harkness (2014). “All Souls Trilogy”, p.408, Penguin
In those days, the main requirement to be on the Food Network was being able to get there by subway.
I think there would be less torture with a warrant requirement than without one.
Alan M. Dershowitz (2008). “Why Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat, Responding to the Challenge”, Yale University Press