Rich Quotes - Page 35

If you did not do so for the sake of riches,You must have done so for the sake of novelty.
Confucius (1986). “The Analects”, Hippocrene Books
"On Stories and Other Essays on Literature". Book by C. S. Lewis, edited by Walter Hooper, "Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings", p. 90, 1982.
Bill Bryson (2014). “A Short History of Nearly Everything”, p.194, Lulu Press, Inc
Benjamin Franklin (1807). “Maxims and Morals from Dr. Franklin: Being Incitements to Industry, Frugality, and Prudence”, p.23
Benjamin Franklin (2008). “The Way to Wealth and Poor Richard's Almanac”, Nayika Publishing
Benjamin Franklin, Ormond Seavey (1998). “Autobiography and Other Writings”, p.278, Oxford University Press, USA
The poor man must walk to get meat for his stomach, the rich man to get a stomach to his meat.
Benjamin Franklin (2004). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.27, Barnes & Noble Publishing
Benjamin Franklin, Ormond Seavey (1998). “Autobiography and Other Writings”, p.282, Oxford University Press, USA
Arthur Schopenhauer (2013). “Religion From the Essays of Arhur Schopenhauer”, p.54, Simon and Schuster
Aristotle (2015). “Politics”, p.164, Sheba Blake Publishing