Satyagraha Quotes

Satyagraha is a relentless search for truth and a determination to search truth.
Mahatma Gandhi (1967). “Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi”
Violence is a concession to human weakness, satyagraha is an obligation.
Mahatma Gandhi (1965). “Collected Works”
Satyagraha has been designed as an effective substitute for violence.
Mahatma Gandhi, Dennis Dalton (1996). “Gandhi: Selected Political Writings”, p.89, Hackett Publishing
Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind.
Mahatma Gandhi (1980). “All Men are Brothers: Autobiographical Reflections”, p.77, A&C Black
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Satyagraha (non-violent Resistance)”
Mahatma Gandhi (1927). “Young India, 1924-1926”
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (2005). “The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi”, p.96, Courier Corporation
Mahatma Gandhi (1959). “India of My Dreams”, p.51, Rajpal & Sons
Mahatma Gandhi (1993). “Gandhi on Nehru”
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Satyagraha (non-violent Resistance)”
Mahatma Gandhi (1967). “The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi”, p.174, Rajpal & Sons
Satyagraha, of which civil resistance is but a part, is to me the universal law of life.
Mahatma Gandhi (1974). “Collected Works”
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Satyagraha (non-violent Resistance)”
Mahatma Gandhi (1927). “Young India, 1924-1926”
For a satyagrahi brigade only those are eligible who believe in ahimsa and satya.
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1986). “The Moral and Political Writings of Mahatma Gandhi: Non-Violent Resistance and Social Transformation”, Clarendon Press
Satyagraha does not depend on outside help, it derives all its strength from within.
Mahatma Gandhi (1965). “Glorious Thoughts of Gandhi: Being a Treasury of about Ten Thousand Valuable and Inspiring Thougths of Mahatma Gandhi, Classified Under Four Hundred Subjects”
In satyagraha, a courted imprisonment carries its own praise.
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Collected Works”
Mahatma Gandhi, Judith M. Brown (2008). “The Essential Writings”, p.369, Oxford University Press
Mahatma Gandhi (1967). “The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi”, p.354, Rajpal & Sons
A satyagrahi is dead to his body even before the enemy attempts to kill him.
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Collected Works”