Scorn Quotes - Page 2
It cannot be too often repeated, that truth scorns the assistance of miracle.
Robert Green Ingersoll (1907). “The works of Robert G. Ingersoll”, p.1688, Library of Alexandria
Human nature is the same everywhere; it deifies success, it has nothing but scorn for defeat.
1897 Joan of Arc, bk.1, ch.8.
The world belongs to those who possess it, and is scorned by those to whom it should belong.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1994). “Aphorisms”, Ariadne Press (CA)
She laughed with thrilling scorn. "Sophisticated-God, I'm sophisticated!
F. Scott Fitzgerald (2013). “The Great Gatsby”, p.16, Atlântico Press
Blaise Pascal, Henry Rogers, Victor Cousin, Charles Louandre (1859). “The Thoughts, Letters and Opuscules of Blaise Pascal”, p.241
Dowered with the hate of hate, the scorn of scorn, The love of love.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Illustrated)”, p.2492, Delphi Classics
Because right is right, to follow right Were wisdom in the scorn of consequence.
Alfred Tennyson Tennyson, Baron, Alfred Lord Tennyson (2014). “Fifty Poems”, p.57, Cambridge University Press
Albert Camus (1960). “Speech of Acceptance Upon the Award of the Nobel Prize for Literature: Delivered in Stockholm on the Tenth of December, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. [Translated by Justin O'Brien”