Seeing Quotes - Page 2

If Your Eyes Are Opened, You'll See The Things Worth Seeing.
Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (Maulana), Jelaluddin Rumi, Kabir Helminski, Andrew Harvey (2005). “The Rumi Collection: An Anthology of Translations of Mevlâna Jalâluddin Rumi”, p.112, Shambhala Publications
Clare Farrow, Joseph Kosuth (1994). “A Reinhardt, J Kosuth, F Gonzales-Torres - Symptoms of Interference - Art & Design Profile 34(Paper Only)”, John Wiley & Sons
Seeing, looking at what others cannot bear to see is what my life is all about.
Don McCullin (2010). “Unreasonable Behaviour: An Autobiography”, p.4, Random House
It is far better to foresee even without certainty than not to foresee at all.
The Foundations of Science Science and Hypothesis (p. 129)
Heinz Von Foerster (1984). “Observing Systems”
The fear of not having enough prevents many from seeing that they already are enough.
Dyer, Wayne (2005). “Everyday Wisdom”, p.101, Hay House, Inc
Live a wild, generous full, exciting life – blessing those around you and seeing the good in all.
Bear Grylls (2012). “To My Sons: Lessons for the Wild Adventure Called Life”, p.6, David C Cook
graf Leo Tolstoy (1947). “Resurrection”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1872). “Poetical Works of Samuel T. Coleridge”, p.134
Laozi (2015). “Daodejing: The New, Highly Readable Translation of the Life-Changing Ancient Scripture Formerly Known as the Tao Te Ching”, p.123, Open Court
Epicurus (1993). “The essential Epicurus: letters, principal doctrines, Vatican sayings, and fragments”
David Lynch (2007). “Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity: 10th Anniversary Edition”, p.129, Penguin