The greatest work God ever performs was not the creation of the universe out of nothing, but is the new creation of saints out of sinners.
It will cost you to follow Christ, but it costs even more not to follow Him.
If your repentance has not changed your life, you need to repent of your repentance.
The essence of Christianity is centered upon the Lord Jesus Christ. The sum and substance of being a Christian is trusting Christ with the entirety of one's being. The height of the Christian life is adoring Christ, the depth of it loving Him, the breadth of it obeying Him, and the length of it following Him. Everything in the Christian life revolves around Jesus Christ. Simply put, Christianity is Christ.
We will never know how great God's love is until we first see how great our sin is.
A high view of God leads to high worship and holy living, but a low of God leads to trivial worship and low living.
Jesus is not a good way to heaven, nor even the best way. He is the only way to heaven.
We do not sit in authority over the Scripture, the Scripture sits in authority over us.
Some Christians live in such fear, they act as if they believe in the sovereignty of Satan rather than the sovereignty of God.
If you are only born once, you will die twice. But if you are born twice, you will only die once.
At the cross, the worst about us-our sins-was laid upon Christ, and the best about Him-His righteousness-was laid upon us.
If you do not receive Christ as the Lamb who saves and delivers, you will face Him as the Lion who stalks and devours.
The more we grow to know God, the more we realize how little we know of Him.
The pursuit of holiness is always on the path of obedience to the Word, never apart from it.
With arms outstretched on the cross. Jesus took holy God in one hand and sinful man with the other and brought the two together.
The Bible is shallow enough for a new believer to wade in, but deep enough for a theologian to drown in.
Hell is a real place, more real than the city in which you live, much hotter and more populated.
In the race of faith, stay focused upon Christ, not the other runners, nor the spectators.
If the Bible is what it claims to be, how can we allow it to remain on a bookshelf?
Unless the Holy Ghost blesses the Word, we who preach the gospel are of all men most miserable, for we have attempted a task that is impossible. We have entered on a sphere where nothing but the supernatural will ever avail. If the Holy Spirit does not renew the hearts of our hearers, we cannot do it. If the Holy Ghost does not regenerate them, we cannot. If He does not send the truth home into their souls, we might as well speak into the ear of a corpse.
If there is no fruit in sanctification, there is no root in regeneration.
Faith only glances at problems, but gazes upon Jesus.
God will honor the preaching that honors Christ, but abandon the pulpit that abandons Him.
There are many roads that lead to hell, but only one way to go to heaven.
No one goes to heaven by parroting a prayer, being baptized, or joining a church, but by believing in Jesus Christ with humble submission.