What's really important about shamanism is that there is another reality that you can personally discover...we are not alone.
Shamanism is the oldest form of communicating and healing. It probably resides in all of us.
Shamanism is essentially a living tradition of alchemy that is not seeking the stone but has found the stone.
Shamanism is being reinvented in the West precisely because it is needed
Shamanism is not a course, but a life journey.
One of the things that's so striking about shamanism in the native context is the absence of mental illness.
Terror of the future can be put out to pasture with psychedelic shamanism.
The entire drug phenomenon of the 1960s happened without the concept of shamanism to help it along.
Experientially there is only one religion, and it is shamanism and shamanic ecstasy.
I don't believe that shamanism without hallucinogens is authentic shamanism or comfortable shamanism.
Exorcism is a subject that interests me, and books on shamanism, I've read through.
Shamanism is just show business and philosophy is just a branch of that vaudevillian impulse.