Silence Quotes - Page 62
"Under a Glass Bell". Book by Anais Nin, 1944.
Amit Ray (2010). “OM Chanting and Meditation”, p.51, INNER LIGHT PUBLISHERS
"Testimony: The Memoirs of Dmitri Shostakovich". Book by Solomon Volkov, New York: Limelight, pp. 158-9, 2006.
Alice Hoffman (2011). “The Dovekeepers”, p.126, Simon and Schuster
'La mort du loup' (1838)
William Shenstone (1764). “The Works, in Verse and Prose”, p.52
I do know of these That therefore only are reputed wise For saying nothing.
'The Merchant of Venice' (1596-8) act 1, sc. 1, l. 88
William Penn (1792). “Fruits of Solitude: In Reflections and Maxims Relating to the Conduct of Human Life”, p.34
William Cowper, James Thomson (1832). “The Works of Cowper and Thompson: Including Many Letters and Poems Never Before Published in this Country. With a New and Interesting Memoir of the Life of Thomson”, p.73
Like a long-legged fly upon the stream / His mind moves upon silence.
'Meditations in Time of Civil War 6: The Stare's Nest by my Window'
Willa Cather (2009). “O Pioneers!: Easyread Large Bold Edition”, p.6,
Wendell Berry (2000). “Jayber Crow: A Novel”, Counterpoint LLC
Walter Lippmann (2012). “Public Opinion”, p.40, Courier Corporation
Tell X that speech is not dirty silence Clarified. It is silence made still dirtier.
Wallace Stevens (2011). “Selected Poems”, p.157, Knopf