
Solitary Quotes

Incessant company is as bad as solitary confinement.

Virginia Woolf (2003). “A Writer's Diary”, p.341, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

A solitary being is by instinct a wanderer.

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (2015). “The Last Man”, p.583, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

I come to my solitary woodland walk as the homesick go home.

Henry David Thoreau (2012). “Thoreau's Book of Quotations”, p.114, Courier Corporation

Writing is a solitary occupation.

"An Interview with Cape Cod Author Bernard Cornwell". Interview with Christopher Seufert, February 27, 2006.

The writing life is essentially one of solitary confinement - if you can't deal with this, you needn't apply.

"Ten rules for writing fiction (part two)". February 20, 2010.

The bible knows nothing of solitary religion.

John Wesley (2008). “The Heart of John Wesley's Journal”, p.11, Hendrickson Publishers

The artist after all is a solitary being.

Virginia Woolf (1967). “Collected essays”

The vain being is the really solitary being.

Berthold Auerbach (1874). “On the heights: a novel”, p.463

I am solitary as grass. What is it I miss? Shall I ever find it, whatever it is?

Sylvia Plath (2010). “Winter Trees”, p.40, Faber & Faber

The world is a prison in which solitary confinement is preferable.

"Half-Truths and One-And-A-Half Truths". Book by Karl Kraus, translated by Harry Zohn, 1986.