Solitude Quotes - Page 11

I have lately got back to that glorious society called Solitude.
Henry David Thoreau (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Henry David Thoreau (Illustrated)”, p.1861, Delphi Classics
Henri Nouwen (2013). “Clowning in Rome: Reflections on Solitude, Celibacy, Prayer, and Contemplation”, p.13, Image
Absolute solitude is on this showing the ineluctable destiny of the soul. Only our bodies can meet.
Gilbert Ryle (2009). “The Concept of Mind: 60th Anniversary Edition”, p.5, Routledge
Elisabeth Elliot (1988). “Loneliness: it can be a wilderness, it can be a pathway to God”, Oliver-Nelson Books
Chairil Anwar (1963). “Selected Poems”
Bohumil Hrabal (1992). “Too Loud a Solitude”, p.9, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Anne Morrow Lindbergh (2012). “Against Wind and Tide: Letters and Journals, 1947-1986”, p.73, Pantheon
Aldous Huxley (2009). “The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell”, p.10, Harper Collins
William Butler Yeats (2011). “Selected Poems And Four Plays”, p.210, Simon and Schuster
Samuel Beckett (1931). “Proust”
Richard E. Byrd (2003). “Alone: The Classic Polar Adventure”, p.139, Island Press
Ralph Waldo Emerson (2012). “Self-Reliance and Other Essays”, p.21, Courier Corporation
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle (1967). “Wit and Wisdom of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle: Being a Treasury of Thousands of Glorious, Inspiring and Imperishable Thoughts, Views and Observations of the Three Great Greek Philosophers, Classified Under about Four Hundred Subjects for Comparative Study”
Nothing can be done without solitude. I've created my own solitude which nobody suspects
Pablo Picasso, Pace Gallery (1981). “Picasso: the Avignon paintings”
Nadine Gordimer, Nancy Topping Bazin, Marilyn Dallman Seymour (1990). “Conversations with Nadine Gordimer”, p.156, Univ. Press of Mississippi
Maria Montessori (1970). “The child in the family”, Contemporary Books
Maggie Nelson (2009). “Bluets”, p.28, Wave Books