Sorrow Quotes - Page 2

A propensity to hope and joy is real riches; one to fear and sorrow real poverty.
David Hume (1788). “Essays, moral, political, and literary.- v. 2. An inquiry concerning human understanding. A dissertation on the passions. An inquiry concerning the principles of morals. The natural history of religion”, p.152
Whatever path you follow push on till tomorrow, Love all, Serve all, and Create no sorrow.
Song: Unity
Erich Maria Remarque (2013). “All Quiet on the Western Front: A Novel”, p.194, Random House
Matthew Henry, Leslie F. Church (1992). “The NIV Matthew Henry Commentary in One Volume: Based on the Broad Oak Edition”, p.172, Harper Collins
The eye, like a shattered mirror, multiplies the images of sorrow
Edgar Allan Poe (2004). “The Collected Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe”, p.136, Wordsworth Editions
Samuel Richardson (1755). “A collection of the moral and instructive sentiments, maxims, cautions, and reflexions, contained in the histories of Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison: Digested under proper heads, with references to the volume, ...”, p.132
Naomi Shihab Nye (1995). “Words under the words: selected poems”, The Eighth Mountain Press
Larry McMurtry (2010). “Some Can Whistle”, p.289, Simon and Schuster