Speech Quotes - Page 20

Skepticism, like chastity, should not be relinquished too readily.
"Quotations for Our Time" edited by Laurence J. Peter, 1977.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1977). “The Portable Nietzsche”, p.125, Penguin
Frances Wright (1829). “Course of Popular Lectures”, p.128
Epictetus (1916). “The Discourses and Manual: Together with Fragments of His Writings”
Speech and silence. We feel safer with a madman who talks than with one who cannot open his mouth.
"The New Gods". Book by Emile M. Cioran, 1969.
Beatrice Potter Webb (1963). “American diary, 1898”
The Government may not suppress lawful speech as the means to suppress unlawful speech.
"Not Real? Not Porn" by David G. Savage, ABA Journal, Volume 88, June 2002.
Alexander Pope, Alexander Dyce (1835). “The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot, being the prologue to the satires. Satires, epistles, and odes of Horace imitated. Epitaphs. The Dunciad, in four books”, p.356
Woodrow Wilson, Arthur Stanley Link, Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Princeton University (1994). “Papers”
Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounc'd it to you, trippingly on the tongue.
William Shakespeare (1740). “The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes. Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected: with Notes, Explanatory, and Critical”, p.160
It is well to remember that grammar is common speech formulated.
W. Somerset Maugham (1954). “Mr. Maugham Himself”