Stoops Quotes

He who could have been a torch and stoops to being a pair of jaws is a deserter.
"Martí : Thoughts/Pensamientos" edited by Carlos Ripoll, 1994.
Samuel Beckett (2010). “The Collected Shorter Plays of Samuel Beckett: All That Fall, Act Without Words, Krapp's Last Tape, Cascando, Eh Joe, Footfall, Rockaby and others”, p.152, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
1634 Comus, A Mask, l.1017-22.
Arthur Symons (1919). “Poems”
Robert Browning (1830). “An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry”, p.338
Margaret Peterson Haddix (2008). “Double Identity”, p.4, Simon and Schuster
Algernon Charles Swinburne (1866). “Laus Veneris, and other poems and ballads. [Orig. publ. as Poems and ballads]. Author's ed”, p.192