and for a moment he held out his hands as if to steady himself or as if to bless the ground there or perhaps as if to slow the world that was rushing away and seemed to care nothing for the old or the young or rich or poor or dark or pale or he or she. Nothing for their struggles, nothing for their names. Nothing for the living or the dead.
Because I frequently encountered obstacles such as old, entrenched ideas, ongoing power struggles, or the lack of staff and money, I also learned to develop patience and detachment.
When I deal with my struggles in my songs, I feel like most people are going to identify with my struggles because they are essentially dealing with the same things.
I say no to a lot of things that just don't fit my life. I involve my kids in what I'm struggling with so they don't compete with it.
In the past I'd always felt like 'the girl' in the show or the movie. On 'Friday Night Lights' there were a bunch of girls, and I was the woman. Initially there was a little struggle with my identity around that. But now there's a sense of ease.
It hasn't yet materialized that I went into sports management, but I haven't ruled it out yet, either. I only half-jokingly remarked that I'd love to be the commissioner of the NFL. But as I recently told current Commissioner Roger Goodell, that job looked a lot more appealing when I was struggling with the Russians and the Iranians everyday.
If I wrote a book, I had to be willing at least to talk about some of my struggles, whether in my personal life, health crises, or the deaths of my parents, because there can too easily be a perception of me that my life just went from A to Z uninterrupted, without any ups and downs, and that's not a fair representation.
What surprised me was the angst at our democracy. And I understand it - I teach at a university and feel it in my students - but what I've tried to say to people is that we have amazing institutions, but nobody ever said we were perfect. We struggled before and we're struggling now, and we're going to struggle every day. We're a work in progress. That's why the American experience is so important for us to remember, and for us to be a beacon for others to enjoy those same rights.
Olympic organizers are reportedly struggling to fill rows and rows of empty seats. Empty seats! In fact, yesterday officials put out a casting call asking for 200 Europeans or eight Americans.
I was able to meet young black people from all over the country who were focused on education and on elevating themselves.I'm endorsing and supporting this initiative because I believe college is a blessing, and for young black people coming out of areas that are struggling ... for them to see college as their future, that's a blessing.
I was struggling with drugs, I had a lot on my plate, and you know, I was using unhealthy ways to kind of self-medicate and deal with a lot of heavy duty stuff in my life.
I want to play Martin Luther King. I want to tell the real story, his demons, his struggles as a man, not just as a hero but fallible, I want to show that side.
There are so many burning issues to be dealt with that it's completely understandable and natural that a character is struggling with these issues themselves. In that struggle, you inform the audience. The thing about this writing is that it's very easy to learn. Good writing always is.
When you are 18, 19 or 20 you can get away with more, but as you get into your twenties you realise that it is harder and harder to lose what you put on. Look at Ricky Hatton. That isn't good for you and so you know not to come back overweight or out of shape. Why? Because you'll get stick from fellow players and you'll struggle.
I haven't had to struggle very much. I haven't paid my dues. I think I have been lucky.
I was disappointed, but I kind of knew it was going to be an uphill struggle because of how strong the first season [of "True Detective"] was.
We all have our own areas where we are gifted or where we struggle and that's at the heart of everyone's journey.
I've got actor friends who didn't get breaks, who struggle and worry about things that I'm fortunate not to have to worry about.
America is such a mess right now, and it's getting worse all the time. It seems as though the whole atmosphere of our nation - of unrest and unsettledness and need and struggle - is pointing to a most wonderful, opportune time to present the reason for our hope.
I think audiences definitely respond to people who are not living the perfect lives. The flawed characters, the people who are struggling. The antiheroes - people like to see that a lot more.
There's always changes in the way they do that in the cinematic universe. I think, with the S.H.I.E.L.D. 2.0, you're seeing some of the first ripples of those different points of view on what S.H.I.E.L.D. should be when it's rebuilt. I'm very, very curious to know which side Coulson will end up on in that struggle.
Mankinds struggle upwards, in which millions are trampled to death, that thousands may mount on their bodies.
We made an amazing video about Newtown's struggle to figure out what to do with all the letters and art sent to the town.
Nine million Americans a year, that we know of, struggle with infertility.
Balance is everything. And I'm not just speaking from a road perspective - even from home. My wife and I work out of the house and we always struggle to find that balance because when work is around you 24/7, it's easy to neglect the little things in life that really help us to rejuvenate or heal.