Here's the bottom line, we're either going or not.
Getting lost in a place like this you can almost guarantee that you aren't going to make it out here.
You know this is a dicey situation anyway you look at it.
It's always good to give yourself the advantage.
This suntan lotion acts as an accelerator and an extender, meaning that this fire will burn brighter and longer.
That's a bust your ass shot through and through.
This is a way you can learn about someone through very stressful situations. That is when a person is either gonna shine or falter.
The fools that came in here brought their beach gear to a cave...go figure.
I have to take off my hat to Matt, he's trying crazy hard to get this fire started.
This is the first time I've done something like this and I'm really hoping this will work.
Let's go Matt; we aren't strolling through Central Park here.
This is looking tasty.
Everyone knows the rules of three's, you can survive three weeks without food, but not in this environment.
So far he's bringing his A-game.
It's mistakes that get you killed
Stay in the game and stay alive.
Move with a purpose dude.
Right now, in my mind, this is nothing but grip strength and focus.
Sometimes you have to take the harder course of action.
We'll stay warm tonight even if we have to sit by each other and snuggle.
Usually guys with your skill set like to eat bugs; I don't get that dude.
In any high stress situation you are going to default to your level of training...period.
You don't have to be a rocket science to know that if Joe Teti has a rifle, and a round to go with it. I'm going hunting.
If you fall from here, if you're not dead you're gonna wish you were.
One thing you can never underestimate is the power of water.