With a teacher it is necessary to be sensitive to their directions; most of the time they won't say much. You have to be still and silent to understand.
Most teachers of self-discovery have two types of students. They have students they deal with in a more exoteric way than the esoteric students. Esoteric truths are presented to usually a smaller group of students.
A teacher will have an initial contact at some point with someone. It happens inwardly first. Before you ever meet an advanced teacher, they have somehow traveled inwardly along the astral planes.
Some teachers are very accessible. They advertise a great deal, they go out into the public. If they're advanced teachers, doubtlessly they are very inaccessible in terms of physical proximity.
Some teachers are extremely inaccessible. They feel their teachings are for very few so they make it intentionally hard to get to themselves.
It is incumbent upon the student to go to the teacher to learn.
I think it is best to let the experience you have with a teacher direct itself, Instead of trying to make the experience into what you might like it to be. Leave it alone!
A teacher can show you the ways. But no one can do it for you. You have to take what you learn from them and go out and live it. You have to change your life.
The role of the teacher is to make sure that the practice is pure. By guiding the student, you make sure that they are really going into the planes of light and not fooling themselves.
If you meditate with a teacher who is enlightened, you can ride with them into stages of mind that are perhaps not available to you at this time.
People come to a teacher to learn self-discovery. A teacher who just wants to keep you on a string forever, the god-guru concept, a teacher like that is very abusive. Those people are actually usually taking their students energy.
It is important to monitor your mind constantly. This is particularly important if you are studying with an enlightened teacher, because you are absorbing tremendous power from the teacher.
An enlightened person lives in the world, passes through the ten thousand states of mind, but they are not bound by them. They can go beyond perception.
Only the completely enlightened are beyond winning and losing. Yet, strangely enough, they had to win to get to the point of being beyond winning and losing.
The person who helps you is the person who aids you in becoming independent and strong. Good teachers don't answer your questions, they ask you questions.
An enlightened teacher is able to put a tremendous amount of power through a person who seeks knowledge and escalates the evolution of the individual.
An enlightened teacher has so much power that when they meditate, a tremendous aura builds up around them. The aura will open up your aura and increase it. You will move into a higher plane of knowledge. You will gain a new view of the world.
People who are enlightened in previous lifetimes have a certain degree of difficulty in regaining their enlightenment. Sometimes it comes in childhood. Sometimes it takes many years to reintegrate the personality structure that they gained when they first entered into this world.
An enlightened person has real power and when they think a good thought, the tremendous power of attention causes their students to actually lift up into those states. It brings a power into their lives.
If you have done your homework, then the slightest motion from the teacher can cause you to spin into hundreds of different states of mind. That can only happen for the prepared individual.
Hold a positive thought of an enlightened person in your mind. When that thought touches their aura, it comes back quickly with a positive lift. You will go up.
The teacher will be moving through thousands of states of mind and sometimes beyond mind. While you are with the teacher, be sensitive to that. Without being flaky and devotional, develop respect for the teacher, just as the teacher respects you.
The enlightened being can look through states of mind, but they are also outside of them.
Nonphysical beings are drawn to enlightened beings. Some come to aid them in there work; some come to interfere. Some just come to watch. Enlightenment is rare in this world.
Once in a while an enlightened teacher goes out into the world and spreads the dharma. They attract some attention, and it is a great spectacle to see who and why and what is drawn.