If what you seek is freedom, the only person who can teach you anything, the only person who can help you is someone who's already done it, who knows the way. No one else can do a damn thing for you but slow you down.
Enlightened teachers get all sorts of assignments. Sometimes we end up in the higher astral; sometimes we end up in the realm of pure spirit; sometimes we end up in the desire realms. Sometimes we go down to the lower astral to teach, you don't really teach there, you just sort of are, because everybody is confused.
As a teacher you just look at someone and you transmit to them what they need to know. Not simply a thought form, but you transmit an awareness level.
You have to begin to develop a repertory of jokes, multi-plane spiritual jokes, the sort of things the Zen masters tell each other when they're asleep. These are the secret teachings.
The teacher will perform miracles. Not just to delight and amuse people, but showing them that miraculous occurrences indicate that there is something more.
Those secrets are things that most people don't learn, because they are not enthusiastic enough, or bright enough, or patient enough, or funny enough; or still enough.
Buddhism is all about secrets.
The role of the Buddhist teacher is to explain your options and to show you what creates karma. All our discussions are basically karmic until you're fully engaged in samadhi.
To deal with someone from other infinites is problematic at times, to deal with a true master of all the realms of the yogas. We call them someone with the seven seals of enlightenment, meaning that their gradated perception has past through all the realms.
If you run into a Buddha, then that energy field, the "rad" level is so high, it's incalculable. Their effect on an individual is for many, many, many, many, many, many lifetimes.
In order to do an empowerment, a person obviously has to be highly empowered, have the power, and also have the structural knowledge of how to transfer it to someone else.
You become a monk and you practice and the teacher tells you what to do. If you find that you have a resistance to that, and the resistance is strong, it just means you're not interested. Why put yourself through some sort of torture. It means you weren't that interested.
We hear wonderful stories about some masters who can walk on water and do all kinds of great things. But the real power of the teacher is to transmit power and knowledge directly to an individual.
If you are going to focus on a teacher, you have to be focused on the teacher and not peripheral vibrations that might be around them or it will totally screw up your meditation.
Some people see teachers and they associate the feelings of the other students who are present with the teacher. They psychically connect with all those hundreds of minds and they don't key to the teacher at all.
A true master has developed, in their inner practices and studies, certain powers. These powers are sometimes of the miraculous nature, the transmission of attention.
There is no such thing as a miracle. A miracle is just what somebody else doesn't understand. If we went back into the Stone Age and we lit a match, they'd say, "Ahh miracla, miracla!"
There are some teachers who just perform miracles. They can manifest things from the other world into this world. They have siddha powers. They are not necessarily enlightened.
No one can bring you into higher states of attention permanently. I can take an individual and i can change their awareness. That's easy. But how long will it last?
Miracles have a purpose. Miracles help people believe in enlightenment. The real miracle is the transformation of consciousness from limitation and pain to enlightenment and ecstasy.
To see someone manifest all the astral lights, to be surrounded by light, to have light emanating from their body, pulsing waves of gold light - this is the miracle of enlightenment.
An enlightened being comes into the world because they can help. They are off the wheel. They will experience different states of mind. They will suffer. They will know joy. But ultimately, they are free of all that.
A teacher is really invaluable. A teacher will instruct you in how to stabilize your energy field, increase it, and decrease the loss of energy in your life and how to be balanced, wise, and funny.
It is not the responsibility of the enlightened teacher to bring the student to enlightenment. That may be true in the classroom, but in the world of enlightenment you have to find it, enter into it.
You must discriminate between those who claim to help you and only want to manipulate you and those who are free, who never manipulate.