Entrepreneurship boils down to the simple fact that a team of really smart people who can get things done are going to get smart, useful things done.
When I used to play sports, I'd be the one cheering the team on, 'Come on, we can beat these guys!' That's just in me.
God made us for more than just barely getting by. We weren't meant to sit on the sidelines of life because with God, we are on the winning team!
I wanted to play football and see how that went. In my mind, I knew I wasn't good enough to be a pro, but I was having a really fun time doing it. When you're on a college team, you can tell who's going to be a pro or not almost instantly.
Million Dollar Arm touches on many of the Safe At Home Foundations core values, such as children, teamwork and family.
When I was a teenager and my brother Frank was in the World Series in '57 and '58 against the Yankees, Braves winning in '57 and the Yankees in '58, little did I know the next time these two teams would meet in the World Series, I would be managing the Yankees.
Baseball is a team sport played by individuals for themselves.
I think that winning creates chemistry, as opposed to other way around. I've been on a lot of friendly teams that couldn't win, trust me.
There are a lot of other things I could be doing out there, but I love to race. I'm fortunate to have the opportunity, to have the team and to have the resources to be able to do this.
I still have very close ties to Houston and the Astros because that was my first team.
What I learned from 9/11 that is really important, first and foremost, you have to motivate all the workers and understand that they've left their families to help clean up a pretty awful situation. Every time you have an emergency management situation, it's all about teamwork.
I had thirty weeks of prep on 'Captain America.' I have a small team of qualified, supportive, creative producers who are actually helping me achieve my vision of the film. I had a dream cast headed by Chris Evans. I had the best designers, artists, sculptors, craftspeople.
It brought Pittsburgh into the picture of football teams in the National Football League that, ‘OK, you have to deal with us now.’
From a writing point of view, you now have teams of screenwriters working with a director. What's lost in the process is the power of that one heart, brain, gut and soul that makes something an original piece of writing.
I get questions from Richard Sandomir at the New York Times or Michael Hiestand at USA Today about issues .., 'well, there's a blog site that says you root too hard for the Red Sox. Or people don't like you because you're rooting against their team ...'I don't want to say it's bad. There are certainly things you learn from the internet. You certainly learn from people's opinions. I think you're going to get some of the negative a lot more than the positive, but I think you can learn from it.
I have my team focused on the front end, working on the user experience, and making sure we have all the wiki-like tools people need to work on the site. We're just cranking away.
For me personally it doesn't matter who is the manager, I'm going to go out there and play for the manager, and play for this uniform as a team.
[Writing a joke] there is no team of writers. It's just you in an office, staring at yourself in the mirror.
After Michael Jordan recently criticized President Obama's golf game, Obama responded by saying that Jordan should spend more time thinking about his basketball team, the Charlotte Hornets. Then Jordan said, 'Do you really want to talk about whose team got crushed this week?'
It was a great Olympics - Team USA finished the games with 17 more medals than China. China said it was tough to swallow - especially when they had to make all of our "We're #1" T-shirts.
With overwhelming military strength now deployed against him and with intense monitoring from space surveillance and the U.N. inspection team on the ground, any belligerent move by Saddam against a neighbor would be suicidal....If Iraq does possess such concealed weapons, as is quite likely, Saddam would use them only in the most extreme circumstances, in the face of an invasion of Iraq, when all hope of avoiding the destruction of his regime is lost.
I just don't have words to express how proud I am of this race team.
The Daytona 500 is a career-winning race. It defines careers for drivers, crew members, crew chiefs and race teams. It has that power.
I lived in Wisconsin for a while, so I keep my eyes on the Packers. I grew up in San Diego, so there's the Chargers, but outside of that, I'm really kind of lame because I don't have a specific team I pull for.
I've always looked for my affirmation through my peers, the people I race against, and within my team.