Tendencies Quotes - Page 2
George Orwell (1970). “A Collection of Essays”, p.276, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Too many theorists have a tendency to ignore facts that contradict their convictions.
"L'anisotropie de l'espace. La nécessaire révision de certains postulats des théories contemporaines. Les données de l'expérience" by Maurice Allais, Clément Juglar, Paris, (p. 640), 1997.
Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks (2004). “Three Weeks with My Brother”, p.260, Hachette UK
This tendency to make laws that are convenient or advantageous rather than right has mushroomed.
John Howard Griffin (2006). “Black Like Me: The Definitive Griffin Estate Edition”, p.71, Wings Press
Garrett James Hardin (1976). “Exploring new ethics for survival: the voyage of the spaceship Beagle”
"Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan 1979-89" by Rodric Braithwaite, (p. 65), 2010.
Norman Mailer's speech during the City Arts & Lectures Series at Herbst Theater in San Francisco, February 5, 2007.
There is a serious tendency toward capitalism among the well-to-do peasants.
Zedong Mao (1972). “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsetung”, p.32, China Books
A tendency to fly too straight at a goal, instead of circling around it, often carries one too far.
Lin Yutang (1937). “The Importance of Living”