
Theatrical Quotes

God will have life to be real; we will be damned, but it shall be theatrical.

God will have life to be real; we will be damned, but it shall be theatrical.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1973). “Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks: 1847-1848”, p.374, Harvard University Press

I was a very imaginative and theatrical child and wasn't afraid of being in front of a camera.

"Kirsten Dunst Relies on Intuition and Years of Experience to Serve the Role". Interview with Jessica Gardner, November 2, 2011.

I'm not particularly precious about the theatrical experience any more.

"Edward Norton - not appearing in a cinema near you" by Nev Pierce, March 25, 2011.

My parents were not theatrical at all.

"Jane Asher: this much I know". Interview with Alex Clark, September 10, 2011.

Never has the theatrical profession been more overcrowded than at the present moment.

Mrs. Alec-Tweedie (Ethel) (1932). “Me and Mine: A Medley of Thoughts and Memories”