
Time Quotes - Page 61

In America the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience.

In America the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience.

Oscar Wilde, General Press (2016). “The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Novel, Short Stories, Poetry, Essays and Plays”, p.1024, GENERAL PRESS

All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time.

Mitch Albom (2009). “The Five People You Meet In Heaven”, p.8, Hachette UK

I do Taekwondo and sometimes I paint.

Biography/Personal Quotes,

Spring is the time of plans and projects.

Leo Tolstoy (2016). “ANNA KARENINA – Two Unabridged Translations in One Premium Edition (World Classics Series): The Greatest Romantic Tragedy of All Times from the Renowned Author of War and Peace & The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Including Biographies of the Author)”, p.1150, e-artnow

Time is the only critic without ambition.

"Writers at Work, Fourth Series (On Critics)". Book edited by George Plimpton, 1977.

I sometimes think that I enjoy suffering. But the truth is I would prefer something else.

Fernando Pessoa (2010). “The Book of Disquiet”, p.190, Profile Books

Sometimes you have to go up really high to see how small you are.

"Skydiver Baumgartner lands safely on Earth after supersonic record" by Dominic Rushe, October 15, 2012.