
Transformation Quotes - Page 6

Crises precede transformation.

Crises precede transformation.

Barbara Marx Hubbard (2012). “Birth 2012 and Beyond: Humanity's Great Shift to the Age of Conscious Evolution”, p.34, Red Wheel/Weiser

I could write a treatise on the sudden transformation of life into archaeology

Zbigniew Herbert, John Carpenter, Bogdana Carpenter (1985). “Raport z oblezonego miasta i inne wiersze”, Ecco Pr

Thresholds of pain, indignity and incapacity are entirely personal.

"Cardinals, bishops and doctors must not deny us our last rights" by Polly Toynbee, May 11, 2006.

Perhaps the transformation of the disciples of Jesus is the greatest evidence of all for the resurrection.

John Stott, Rick Warren (2012). “Basic Christianity, Fiftieth Anniversary Edition”, p.70, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing

The possibility of transformation is the essence of hope.

John Ortberg (2009). “The Life You've Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People”, p.23, Zondervan

The transformation of the world is brought about by the transformation of oneself.

Jiddu Krishnamurti (2013). “The first and last freedom”, p.72, Rajpal & Sons