
Resurrection Quotes

Our old history ends with the Cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.

Watchman Nee (2009). “The Normal Christian Life”, p.37, CLC Publications

It is the resurrection that makes Good Friday good.

FaceBook post by Ravi Zacharias from Apr 18, 2014

If the Resurrection is resurrection from the dead, all hope and freedom are in spite of death.

Paul Ricoeur (2005). “The EPZ Conflict of Interpretations”, p.404, A&C Black

You can have either the Resurrection or you can have Liberace. But you can't have both.

Liberace (2003). “The Wonderful Private World of Liberace”, p.22, Turner Publishing Company

The greatest negative in the universe is the Cross, for with it God wiped out everything that was not of Himself: the greatest positive in the universe is the resurrection, for through it God brought into being all.

Watchman Nee (1993). “The Finest of the Wheat, vol 2 - Hardcover: Selected Excerpts from the Published Works of Watchman Nee”, p.215, Christian Fellowship Publishers

Easter was when Hope in person surprised the whole world by coming forward from the future into the present.

N. T. Wright (2009). “Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church”, p.29, Harper Collins