Vanity Quotes - Page 6

Extreme vanity sometimes hides under the garb of ultra modesty.
Anna Brownell Jameson (1877). “A commonplace book of thoughts, memories and fancies, original and selected”, p.1
Thomas Brooks (1820). “The privie key of heaven; or Twenty arguments for closet-prayer, in a select discourse”, p.144
Max Lerner (1959). “The unfinished country: a book of American symbols”
The hardest thing to cope with is not selfishness or vanity or deceitfulness, but sheer stupidity.
Eric Hoffer (1996). “The Passionate State of Mind”
Albert Camus (2012). “The Fall”, p.57, Vintage
1928 'A Woman Young and Old', part 2 'Before the World was Made', stanza 1. Collected in The Winding Stair and Other Poems (1933).
Saint Francis de Sales, Catholic Way Publishing (2015). “The Saint Francis de Sales Collection [16 Books]”, p.249, Catholic Way Publishing
Robert Schumann (1860). “Advice to Young Musicians”, p.20
Martha Graham (1991). “Blood Memory”, Washington Square Press
Jim Butcher (2007). “Proven Guilty: A Novel Of the Dresden Files”, p.236, Penguin
Edward Gibbon, Francis Parkman, William H. Prescott, Theodore Roosevelt (2012). “The Modern Library Essential World History 4-Book Bundle: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Abridged); Montcalm and Wolfe; History of the Conquest of Mexico; The Naval War of 1812”, p.714, Modern Library
Shine out fair sun, till I have bought a glass, That I may see my shadow as I pass.
William Shakespeare, Janis Lull (2009). “King Richard III”, p.81, Cambridge University Press
Michel Foucault (2013). “Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason”, p.111, Vintage
There are no grades of vanity; there are only grades of ability in concealing it.
Mark Twain, Caroline Thomas Harnsberger (2009). “Mark Twain at Your Fingertips: A Book of Quotations”, p.494, Courier Corporation
1815 Letter to Rev James Clarke, quoted in Justin Wintle and Richard Kenin (eds) The Dictionary of Biographical Quotation (1978).