Veils Quotes - Page 2
David Icke (1998). “The Biggest Secret”, David Icke Books
Religion blushing, veils her sacred fires, And unawares Morality expires.
'The Dunciad' (1742) bk. 4, l. 649
Happiness is nothing but everyday living seen through a veil.
Zora Neale Hurston (1995). “Zora Neale Hurston: Novels and Stories: Jonah's Gourd Vine / Their Eyes Were Watching God / Moses, Man of the Mountain / Seraph on the Suwanee / Selected Stories”
Aurobindo Ghose, Sri Aurobindo (1989). “The Supramental Manifestation, and Other Writings”, Lotus Press (WI)
Take that veil from off of your eyes, look into the future of realize.
Song: Give Thanks And Praises, Album: Confrontation, 1983
Victor Hugo (2016). “Les Misérables”, p.1169, My Ebook Publishing House
The reproduction of what the senses perceive in nature through the veil of the soul.
Edgar Allan Poe (1980). “The Unknown Poe: An Anthology of Fugitive Writings”, p.51, City Lights Books
E. B. White (2011). “In the Words of E.B. White: Quotations from America's Most Companionable of Writers”, p.164, Cornell University Press
Our own self-love draws a thick veil between us and our faults.
Lord Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, Eugenia Stanhope (1827). “Letters Written by the Earl of Chesterfield to His Son”, p.293