
Winning Quotes - Page 32

If you can't be a sun, be a star. For it isn't by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are.

"What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?". Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech to a group of students at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia, October 26, 1967.

Do not try and do too much with your own hands. Better the Arabs do it tolerably than you do it perfectly. It is their war, and you are to help them, not win it for them.

T. E. Lawrence (2015). “Lawrence of Arabia: The Man Behind the Myth (Complete Autobiographical Works, Memoirs & Letters): Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Memoirs of the Arab Revolt) + The Evolution of a Revolt + The Mint (Memoirs of the secret service in Royal Air Force) + Collected Letters (1915-1935)”, p.954, e-artnow

Wins and losses come a dime a dozen. But effort? Nobody can judge effort. Effort is between you and you. Effort ain't got nothing to do with nobody else.

"Ray Lewis Delivers Pregame Speech To Stanford Basketball Team" by Brian Floyd, March 28, 2012.