Unless and until your Sahasrara is open, all the blessings of the Divine Power cannot come to you.
The wisdom or the essence of Guru Tattwa is a balance. Like when you maintain a plant, if you do not give it water it will die. If you give it too much water, it will die. So the wisdom lies in understanding how much water should be given to the plant, so that it comes up at its best. Now this wisdom has to be achieved through your vibratory awareness.
Everybody must decide to reach a state where you everyday see the blessings of God manifesting.
Forgiveness is the greatest weapon that God has given us.
When you get your self realization or your second birth you become entitled to an awareness by which you can find out the roots of everything. You can find out the roots why people get sick, you can find out why there are incurable diseases, you can find out why there are psychological problems, you can find out why there are moral crisises, you can find out why there are political problems, why there are economic problems.
Now, you just watch your attention. Where is it going? Watch yourself. As soon as you'll start watching yourself, your attention, you'll become more identified with your Spirit.
Sahasrara is the throne for the Spirit and the bigger is the king, the bigger is the throne. The way you treat your Spirit is expressed through the way you have your Sahasrara.
How to get rid of the greed is the point and to get rid of the greed is that if I buy something - for whom should I buy this one, for whom should I buy? Ah, this will be all right for another friend of mine, like that. If you train your mind on these lines, not for yourself, but for others, then you'll be amazed this greed will run away and you'll have joy.
It is important to learn that love is your life, love is spirituality.
We have had philosophies, we have ideologies, we have so many kinds of enterprises but despite that there are so many differences and the differences are having larger and larger gaps. If it is the truth, it has to be the truth for everyone. Everyone has to say: "This is The Truth". But it has to be the Absolute Truth. If it is not the Absolute Truth than what we believe into is not the reality. And this is the main reason why everything in the name of God, Divinity, everything has failed so far because it is not substantiated by reality.
If a person doesn't have a balance then he cannot achieve his ascent.
There cannot be a new religion. Religion is a continuous living process within us which is our sustenance. It's like a ladder on which we climb, leaving one by one, step by step - but not leaving the ladder. All others are required.
Reality and truth are not products of rational or linear thinking. They are derived from absolute wisdom as it manifests itself spontaneously, coming from the light of the Spirit.
Supposing the Mother Earth was very hot like the sun, there would have been no growth, or it was cold like moon, there would have been no growth. It had to come to the centre where it had both the things in proper proportions to grow. In the same way a human being has to work out that you keep a moderation and a balance and understand not to go to extremes of anything. That balance you learn when you love someone.
One thing we must understand, that if we have to change the world, we have to change human beings. People think by giving lectures, having conferences and this and that, peace will come. It will never come. A global transformation has to come for peace, for wisdom and for joy.
The main thing is you have to be under the protection of spirituality, under the protection of morality, under the protection of divine laws. If you're not under that protection, you can get caught up into anything.
Open your hearts, open your hearts, then only you can enjoy yourself.
If you are extremely generous, greed will run away.
When you stand in the present, you become thoughtlessly aware. And this state is the first state you achieve, and this is the state where you become absolutely peaceful within yourself. The peace is so great that you enjoy your peaceful existence. Not only that, but you become the source of peace. Wherever you go, you emit peace.
Politicians should be dedicated to the welfare of the people, but sometimes politics becomes like a game of chess, in which the sole aim is to stay on board as long as possible.
Truth is in your sahasrara. And when the truth comes in, you are surprised that truth is love and love is truth, pure love.
The evolution has to take place still within us to know ourselves. We can say that unless and until it is put to the mains, it has no meaning. Unless and until we are connected with the whole, we have no meaning.
You should have only one intense desire within yourself: Have I become the spirit? Have I achieved my ultimate? Have I risen above the worldly desires?
In emotions you should be bubbling with joy. Joy is your emotion. In action you should be thoughtless and in ascent you should be surrendered.
Once you are absolutely thoughtlessly aware, you are one with the Divine, so much so that the Divine takes over every activity, every moment of your life and looks after you and you feel completely secured, one with the Divine and enjoy the blessings of the Divine.