
Would Be Quotes - Page 25

Let the music play on would be my legacy.

Let the music play on would be my legacy.

"Hello? Is This The Country Album You're Looking For?". "All Things Considered" with Robert Siegel, April 2, 2012.

I'm not as soft or as generous a person as I would be if the world hadn't changed me.

"Portrait of a Genius As a Young Chess Master". Interview with Ralph Ginzburg, 1961.

Death by hanging. That, at least, I thought I would be spared.

"Nuremberg Diary". Book by Gustave Gilbert, 1995.

In an arch each single stone which, if severed from the rest, would be perhaps defenceless is sufficiently secured by the solidity and entireness of the whole fabric, of which it is a part.

Robert Boyle (1772). “The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle: In Six Volumes. To which is Prefixed the Life of the Author ...”, p.469