
Arches Quotes

Naples sitteth by the sea, keystone of an arch of azure.

Martin Farquhar Tupper (1857). “Complete poetical works: containing: Proverbial philosophy, A thousand lines, Hactenus, Geraldine, and miscellaneous poems. With a portrait of the author”, p.194

The Golden Arches are now more widely recognized than the Christian cross.

Eric Schlosser (2001). “Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal”, p.4, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Without stones there is no arch.

"Invisible Cities". Book by Italo Calvino, 1972.

Better was it to go unknown and leave behind you an arch, then to burn like a meteor and leave no dust.

Virginia Woolf (2006). “Orlando (Annotated): A Biography”, p.146, HMH

In an arch each single stone which, if severed from the rest, would be perhaps defenceless is sufficiently secured by the solidity and entireness of the whole fabric, of which it is a part.

Robert Boyle (1772). “The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle: In Six Volumes. To which is Prefixed the Life of the Author ...”, p.469

If one believes, then miracles occur.

Henry Miller (1970). “The Air-conditioned Nightmare”, p.169, New Directions Publishing