Every obnoxious fan has a wife at home that dominates him.
If winning weren't important nobody would keep score.
The nicest thing about coaching is that one day you feel like you can play handball against a curb, and on other days you feel like you can fly to the moon.
They call me eccentric. They used to call me nuts. I haven't changed. The only difference between being eccentric and being nuts is the number of security boxes you own.
Don't call me son unless you're going to include me in your will. (When Adolph Rupp called him, "Son.")
Don't be just another guy going down the street and going nowhere.
I don't know why people question the academic training of an athlete. Fifty percent of the doctors in this country graduated in the bottom half of their classes.
I don't believe in looking past anybody - I wouldn't look past the Little Sisters of the Poor after they stayed up all night.
If a player leaves Marquette and doesn't have some of my blood in him, then I don't think I've done a good job.
I had my moment on the stage. The trick in life is to know when to leave.
I come from New York where, if you fall down, someone will pick you up by your wallet.
If the waitress has dirty ankles, the chili is good.
The next time I will cry is when I die. My life has been that beautiful.
Dean Meminger was quicker than 11:15 Mass at a seaside resort.
I let ballplayers yell back at me because I wasn't trying to prove I'm boss. I know I'm boss.
You measure a player from the head up.
When a guy takes off his coat, he's not going to fight. When a guy takes off his wristwatch, watch out!
That's it. Curtains. Off to the races. Treetops. Seashells and balloons.
It's a profession in which, the longer you stay, the closer you are to being fired.
When I was losing, they called me nuts. When I was winning they called me eccentric.
I'm an Einstein of the streets and an Oxford scholar of common sense.
Can't win without talent, you know.
I don't think any decent human being enjoys recruiting.
If you're straight with your players, they'll be straight with you.
God didn't miss any of us.