
Ankles Quotes

That's what the sari is about. Everything is covered, yet a peep of an ankle can be a turn on for men.

That's what the sari is about. Everything is covered, yet a peep of an ankle can be a turn on for men.

"In today's cinema, it is difficult to say who the heroine is and who is the vamp: Tanuja in conversation with daughter Kajol". Interview with Prachi Bhuchar and Prachi Rege, December 14, 2012.

We are surrounded every day by people who do thankless but important work.

"What makes me proud to be an American" by Brian Kilmeade, July 1, 2014.

I have perfectly symmetrical ankles.

"Biography/Personal Quotes".

The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean.

Carl Sagan (2011). “Cosmos”, p.26, Ballantine Books

Cheat me not with time, with the dull ache of flesh, for all flesh turns, even the loveliest ankle and frail thigh, to bitterest dust.

Hilda Doolittle, Louis L. Martz (1986). “Collected Poems 1912-1944”, p.287, New Directions Publishing