In every job, relationship, or life situation there is inevitably some turbulence. Learn to laugh at it. It is part of what you do and who you are.
Laughter can help relieve tension in even the heaviest of matters.
Laughter, and the broader category of humor, are key elements in helping us go on with our life after a loss.
It is still not clear from this study how laughter can directly help the heart but other studies have shown that laughter is beneficial for every system in the body.
Now, a recent study from cardiologists at the University of Maryland, has shown that laughter may have a beneficial effect on the heart.
Since the goal of my programs is to show audiences how humor can both help them heal as well as deal with not-so-funny stuff, I decided to discuss the events of the previous week, the pain all of us were feeling, and how humor and some laughter might be beneficial.