
Amber Heard Quotes - Page 3

I had always been a reader and a skeptic, so when I was old enough to break away from organized religion, it just came naturally.

I had always been a reader and a skeptic, so when I was old enough to break away from organized religion, it just came naturally.

"Amber Heard: 20(ish) Questions". Interview with Eric Spitznagel, August 20, 2011.

I always felt like an outcast at school. I had good friends, but none that I truly related to.

"Amber Heard: 20(ish) Questions". Interview with Eric Spitznagel, August 20, 2011.

When I run on the beach, it's always in slow motion. That's just how I roll.

"Amber Heard: 20(ish) Questions". Interview with Eric Spitznagel, August 20, 2011.

I am a rebel, and I relate to the rebel spirit in Chenault [from the Rhum Dairy].

"Amber Heard the Rum Diary Interview". Interview with Christina Radish, October 27, 2011.

I love my horror films and they will always be very close to me.

"Amber Heard Talks THE WARD and NBC’s THE PLAYBOY CLUB". Interview with Christina Radish, June 7, 2011.

The feminist movement is often clouded with Gloria Steinem's perspective, but I feel like denying women their sexuality is just as chauvinistic.

"Amber Heard: 20(ish) Questions". Interview with Eric Spitznagel, August 20, 2011.

I'm pretty confusing. But I do have an oil rig in my back yard.

"Amber Heard: 20(ish) Questions". Playboy Interview, August 20, 2011.

Modern cars I don't like so much.

"Drive Angry stars get revved up about the joys and perils of old technology". Interview with Stuart O'Connor, February 25, 2011.

I've got a soft spot for true individuals.

"Amber Heard: 'I'm a rebel'". Cover Media Interview, June 27, 2012.

What I really love about the Playboy bunny outfit, is it's all about a woman's silhouette.

"Amber Heard: 20(ish) Questions". Playboy Interview, August 20, 2011.

I was working with real artists [in the Rum Diary], and that's difficult to do and very rare, in this industry, ironically.

"Amber Heard the Rum Diary Interview". Interview with Christina Radish, October 27, 2011.