I had always been a reader and a skeptic, so when I was old enough to break away from organized religion, it just came naturally.
I say I'm a rebel. I'm continually fighting against [sexism]. I don't take parts because they're for the sexy girl. I take the sexy girl parts and try to give them something else and make them a character.
I always felt like an outcast at school. I had good friends, but none that I truly related to.
I grew up just outside of Austin, and my upbringing was fairly rural.
When I run on the beach, it's always in slow motion. That's just how I roll.
I am a rebel, and I relate to the rebel spirit in Chenault [from the Rhum Dairy].
I'm thankful for the work that feminists like Gloria Steinem have done. I am a feminist, but the geography for women today is vastly different than it was in the '60s.
I think there's a part when you sign your soul to the devil and start working in Los Angeles that you also sign away that you could be a human being in anyone's eye. You're like a robot!
I love my horror films and they will always be very close to me.
Many states have laws against cousin marriage, which I think are ridiculous - people should be allowed to make that choice.
I would love nothing more to participate in a real struggle to find a character, and really delve into and develop a character. That's why I'm an actor.
The feminist movement is often clouded with Gloria Steinem's perspective, but I feel like denying women their sexuality is just as chauvinistic.
I'm not opposed to nude scenes, if they're appropriate. I'm not against them morally. But I personally no longer find movie nudity to be worth my while.
I'm pretty confusing. But I do have an oil rig in my back yard.
They are very different. Women who are empowered by it and have choices based off of their sexuality, are very different from the ones that are being taken advantage of.
Hollywood actresses age in dog years. I'm 25 in the rest of the world, but I'm about 48 in actress years. I'm just around the corner from my midlife crisis.
A lot of nudity in my early movies was out of necessity. When I came out to Hollywood, I didn't know anybody, I didn't have any connections. I did what a lot of people have to do in the real world, and just work up from the bottom.
I have successfully avoided being stereotyped into a specific category. I've worked very hard at that, and I'm proud of not being easily lumped into anybody's preconceived notions or expectations.
I can't be a part of the problem. I hate the idea of a label just as much as anyone else but I'm with who I'm with, I love who I love and I'm if not a better actress than I was yesterday and my personal life should have no effect on that. I think that the injustice of people staying in the closet is more than I can bear with a clear conscience and I couldn't sleep at night if I was a part of that problem, if I was part of the lies.
Modern cars I don't like so much.
I grew up in Texas, and people love their American-made muscle cars there. I grew up around people who loved cars and took care of cars and my dad's a big car nut, so I learned a little bit about cars - how to love them, most importantly. I think that from the time I could remember, I've always envisioned myself in a vintage muscle car.
I've got a soft spot for true individuals.
What I really love about the Playboy bunny outfit, is it's all about a woman's silhouette.
I was working with real artists [in the Rum Diary], and that's difficult to do and very rare, in this industry, ironically.
I'm a good shot and I love guns - I own several.