There's more money on the left in media than there is on the right.
Nobody's coming to me with 60 million dollars to turn it into a 315 million dollar juggernaut even though I created the Huffington Post.
I behave in public like I behave in private.
Liberals in blue states working in blue enclaves within blue cities that are producing the media, don't even see that their positions fit on the spectrum as left of center.
I don't think that Rush, Hannity, Drudge, Ann Coulter, Fox News, and AM Radio can create enough of a balance to undo the distorted media that we get from the Democrat Media Complex.
I have a major problem with the division that occurs because of the division of language.
I like to call someone a raving c**t every now and then, when it’s appropriate, for effect (...) ‘You cocksucker.’ I love that kind of language.
There's more power in being Oprah Winfrey than in being Barack Obama.
This has been a huge problem for a very long period of time that we have, that Mexico's economy and Mexico's socialist orientation makes it so that people want to come to the United States in such numbers. I wish that we could figure out a way to do this in a legal fashion because I believe in the Latino culture.
Those people that created the cultural Marxist thoughts, one guy by the name of Antonio Gramsci, very important within the Frankfurt School, argued against the concept of Marxist Leninism, in which it was basically the revolutionary spirit where someone would say we need to rile up the lower classes and have a revolution and take over the factories.
I am a defender of the Tea Party.
I don't want to be pitted as a person who is anti-Latino or anti-Hispanic because I believe in the laws.
If you deconstruct the movies that have done well, Pixar-type movies that do incredibly well and make hundreds of millions of dollars, they have a strain of decency and conservatism that maybe even their filmmakers don't even recognize. Yet, we cross our fingers that by mistake, liberal filmmakers and liberal producers are going to by mistake make conservative movies. We have to become invested in it, or else we have no excuse to complain.
I do believe that in America there needs to be a primary language and that English should be that language, it's not a radical position, it's a position that's held by countless people who are Latino.
Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann represent an existential threat to the Democratic Party the way that twenty years ago Clarence Thomas as a black man represented to liberals and the Democratic Party.
America is a country that believes in redemption.
The conservative movement is like a country club based in Washington, D.C.
It isn't that black people are protected in America by the left; it's that black liberals are protected just as female liberals are protected, not conservatives.
People are afraid, people don't want to be rejected.
I'm irreverent, I'm not politically correct, and I feel that I'm protected in my private life because I live a very public private life.
I'm not up for changing the 10th amendment or the 14th amendment, the first amendment or the second amendment.
Those people who espouse conservatism that causes them to be under permanent attack by the left gay activists cabal, those people are in need of a protection. They're not doing that because it's fun. They're not taking that stand because it's fun, they're taking that stand because that's what they believe in, and they need to have somebody standing up for them, and I'm more than happy to do so.
There's the National Organization for Women feminist faction, there's the NAACP liberal African-American faction, there's the La Raza Hispanic faction. They're pitted against each other and it runs so contrary to the E pluribus unum American middle class experience.
I've been told over and over not to go on the Bill Maher show. Well, my best moments have happened on the Bill Maher show. It's been magic for me.
If the social conservatives feel that they have a strong argument on traditional marriage, then feel free to have it.