The Church must stop expecting outsiders to act like insiders while insiders act like outsiders.
The Church is a family expecting guests.
Blame is a change-avoidance strategy.
Leaders are all about what isn't and what-needs-to-be be.
Why create churches for 50-year-olds and let culture have the students?
What is this generation of students worth? It's worth everything.
The church should be the safest place on the planet to talk about anything, including same-sex attraction.
People are not on a truth quest; they are on a happiness quest. They will continue to attend your church - even if they don't share your beliefs - as long as they find the content engaging and helpful.
Try to do for the next generation of church leaders what the previous generation of church leaders has not done for you.
Every story of change there is always someone who didn't have the resources or the network they needed and did something anyway.
Charisma on stage is not necessarily evidence of the Holy Spirit.
Every local church has a leader but it seems so few local churches are being led.
The church must capture and keep the minds and hearts of students.
Fixing things requires change and change always creates conflict. But that is why you are a leader.
On day one, the Church wasn't for church people because there weren't any church people.
In leadership there are always problems to be solved and tensions to be managed. When you try to solve a tension, you create a problem.
If you're a preacher's kid, you see the church differently.
Praying for revival equates to blaming God for the condition of your local church.
No one ever has the resources they need.