Every local church has a leader but it seems so few local churches are being led.
Fixing things requires change and change always creates conflict. But that is why you are a leader.
"How" is what kills vision and dreams. Don't ask "How" until we figure out the "What". The "How" can kill the "What".
When Nehemiah's heart was broken he paid attention to his broken heart.
The reason we're here today is because years ago God broke Reggie Joiner's heart over the state of children.
Leaders make things better and that requires change.
We always have more ideas than we can fund.
In leadership there are always problems to be solved and tensions to be managed. When you try to solve a tension, you create a problem.
Leaders love progress.
Preacher's kids need another consistent voice in their lives over the years.
Resources follow vision.
In a volunteer organization there has to be time for community.
Who are you and what breaks your heart?
If a leader goes with their gut, it should be after listening first to people they trust.
There is a big difference between being a leader and actually leading.
This is why we give up on things that break our heart because it requires change.
The more you expect from a volunteer the more you get.
You are where you are because the generation before you paid attention to their broken heart.
No one ever has the resources they need.