Artur Schnabel Quotes

The sonatas of Mozart are unique; they are too easy for children, and too difficult for artists.
Quoted in Nat Shapiro, An Encyclopedia of Quotations About Music (1978)
I know two kinds of audiences only--one coughing, and one not coughing.
'My Life and Music' (1961) pt. 2, ch. 10
Quoted in Chicago Daily News, 11 June 1958
Artur Schnabel (1942). “Music and the line of most resistance”, Da Capo Pr
Artur Schnabel (1970). “My Life and Music”, p.122, Courier Corporation
Artur Schnabel (1970). “My Life and Music”, p.122, Courier Corporation
Quoted in Oscar LevantTheUnimportance of BeingOscar (1968).
I am attracted only to music which I consider to be better than it can be performed.
"My Life and Music" by Artur Schnabel, (p. 121), 1961.
Artur Schnabel (1942). “Music and the Line of Most Resistance”
"Saturday Review" Magazine, September 29, 1951.