Original, in French: La bonne cuisine est la base du véritable bonheur. English: Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.
Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.
The greatest dishes are very simple.
The workman mindful of success, therefore, will naturally direct his attention to the faultless preparation of his stock, and in order to achieve this result, he will find it necessary not merely to make use of the freshest and finest goods, but also to exercise the most scrupulous care in their preparation, for, in cooking, care is half the battle.
People who do not accept the new, grow old very quickly.
Soup puts the heart at ease, calms down the violence of hunger, eliminates the tension of the day, and awakens and refines the appetite.
Above all, keep it simple.
Good food is the basis of true happiness
Indeed, stock is everything in cooking. Without it, nothing can be done.
Of all the items on the menu, soup is that which exacts the most delicate perfection and the strictest attention.
So long as people don't know how to eat they will not have good cooks.
Fish without wine is like egg without salt.
Rice is the best, the most nutritive and unquestionably the most widespread staple in the world.