[On being indecisive and changeable:] On my gravestone I want inscribed: 'On the other hand, maybe I should have lived.
Being a parent is tough. If you just want a wonderful little creature to love, you can get a puppy
Wait for those unguarded moments. Relax the mood and, like the child dropping off to sleep, the subject often reveals his truest self.
I didn't get ahead by sleeping with people. Girls, take heart!
Après ski is my favorite sport.
Don't confuse being stimulating with being blunt.
And I really do believe that the most important thing is the way you live your life on earth. But I think it's enormously comforting to believe that you're going to see your loved ones.
I think most working relationships could benefit by excluding personal matters from the office chatter.
Don't worry about finding your bliss right now. Not even our President knew what his bliss was, nor did I. One of these days to your own surprise, your bliss will find you. But no matter what you do, participate, be there, full force, full heart, full steam ahead.
Before we had airplanes and astronauts, we really thought that there was an actual place beyond the clouds, somewhere over the rainbow. There was an actual place, and we could go above the clouds and find it.there.
I happen to disagree with the well-entrenched theory that the art of conversation is merely the art of being a good listener. Such advice invites people to be cynical with one another and full of fake; when a conversation becomes a monologue, poked along with tiny cattle-prod questions, it isn't a conversation any more.
If it's a woman, it's caustic; if it's a man, it's authoritative.
When you're interviewing someone, you're in control. When you're being interviewed, you think you're in control, but you're not.
The news media in general are liberal. If you want to be a reporter, you are going to see poverty and misery, and you have to be involved in the human condition.
To not sing with an orchestra, to not be able to communicate through my voice, which I've done all my life, and not to be able to phrase lyrics and give people that kind of joy, I think I would be totally devastated.
New York is a galaxy of adventure at once elegant, exciting and bizarre. It's a city that moves so fast, it takes energy just to stand still.
I found it interesting that as people become more technically oriented all over the world, at the same time people are becoming increasingly spiritual. The success of the Da Vinci code - even though it was a great yawn - also showed people's interest in religion.
Most old people ... are disheartened to be living in the ailing house of their bodies, to be limited physically and economically, to feel an encumbrance to others - guests who didn't have the good manners to leave when the party was over.
Homogeneity is much to be admired - in milk, for instance - but not for parties.
I first interviewed Fidel Castro 39 years ago. He was charming and fiercely guarded about his private life. He called our interviews 'fiery debates.' During our times together, he made clear to me that he was an absolute dictator and that he was a staunch opponent of democracy.
A woman can do anything. She can be traditionally feminine and that's all right; she can work, she can stay at home; she can be aggressive; she can be passive; she can be any way she wants with a man. But whenever there are the kinds of choices there are today, unless you have some solid base, life can be frightening.
I find very often people like to confront rumors. It depends on how much they trust you. And you have to have a line between what is tasteful and what isn't.
I don't know about you, but I can never get enough David Letterman.
The origin of a modern party is anthropological: humans meet and share food to lower hostility between them and indicate friendship.
Small children do not belong at an adult party, and especially should not be used like trained midgets to help serve martinis.