
Becca Fitzpatrick Quotes - Page 2

You're scared of what you can't control

Becca Fitzpatrick (2013). “The Complete Hush, Hush Saga: includes Hush, Hush; Crescendo; Silence and Finale”, p.14, Simon and Schuster

She'll kill me if she finds you in here. Can you climb trees? Tell me you can climb a tree!" Patch grinned, "I can fly.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2013). “The Complete Hush, Hush Saga: includes Hush, Hush; Crescendo; Silence and Finale”, p.271, Simon and Schuster

What good is a body if I can't have you?

Becca Fitzpatrick (2014). “Hush, Hush Parts 1 & 2: includes Hush, Hush and Crescendo”, p.236, Simon and Schuster

Any happiness, no matter how brief, seemed better than the long, simmering torture of waking up day after day, knowing I could never have him.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2013). “The Complete Hush, Hush Saga: includes Hush, Hush; Crescendo; Silence and Finale”, p.424, Simon and Schuster

Is everything a joke to you?” I asked. He dabbed his tongue to his lip again. “Not everything.” “Like what?” “You.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2013). “The Complete Hush, Hush Saga: includes Hush, Hush; Crescendo; Silence and Finale”, p.215, Simon and Schuster

...five minutes from now, when everything else had dropped away and I realized the full impact of what I’d done, I’d feel my heart breaking.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2013). “The Complete Hush, Hush Saga: includes Hush, Hush; Crescendo; Silence and Finale”, p.316, Simon and Schuster

Anyone ever tell you you're an incredible kisser?

Becca Fitzpatrick (2011). “Silence”, p.342, Simon and Schuster

She likes you, she just doesn't understand you.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2011). “Silence”, p.135, Simon and Schuster

Call me Patch. I mean it. Call me.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2012). “Hush, Hush”, p.12, Simon and Schuster

The more time I spent with him, the more I knew the feelings weren't going away.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2013). “The Complete Hush, Hush Saga: includes Hush, Hush; Crescendo; Silence and Finale”, p.174, Simon and Schuster

The only thing a boyfriend was good for was a shattered heart.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2010). “Crescendo”, p.139, Simon and Schuster

The problem with human attraction is not knowing if it will be returned.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2013). “The Complete Hush, Hush Saga: includes Hush, Hush; Crescendo; Silence and Finale”, p.29, Simon and Schuster

I’m not going anywhere near a motel with you.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2013). “The Complete Hush, Hush Saga: includes Hush, Hush; Crescendo; Silence and Finale”, p.200, Simon and Schuster

I’m doing boy detox. Like a diet, only for my emotional health.

Becca Fitzpatrick (2013). “The Complete Hush, Hush Saga: includes Hush, Hush; Crescendo; Silence and Finale”, p.574, Simon and Schuster