The wisdom and compassion a woman can intuitively experience in childbirth can make her a source of healing and understanding for other women.
You have to be true to yourself, but you have to be true to your best self, not to the self that secretly thinks you are better than other people.
I'm a teacher, not a leader. If you lose your leader, you're leaderless and lost, but if you lose your teacher there's a chance that he taught you something and you can navigate on your own.
Touch is the first language we speak.
I suddenly started feeling that the magic of psychedelics wasn't in some other world or some other place, but that they put you in communication with other people. Most of the really heavy things that happened to me were when I was stoned with other people, - when it get all honest, when it got really high and all golden and beautiful and bright and white-colored under the power of truth, when you looked at them and saw true compassion, and you knew they really did love you, and you knew you really did love them.
Get your mind unbound and free; and then from the loosest, highest, best place you have, with the fastest and most humorous mind you can get together, you can reach out and make a try at understanding Spirit.
It’s easier to be God than to see God.
Music is expression of harmony in sound. Love is the expression of harmony in life.
The classic relationship with grass that early hippies had was that it's better shared with friends. You can't really get high with a bad attitude. Kindness and sweetness exhilarates your stone. Stolen grass doesn't get you as high. The old hippie ethic really counts
Children don't just get milk from breastfeeding, they get our energy too.
I've seen couples that were having a hard times sexually try cannabis and have it just open their vibes until they were able to reestablish the thing that made them want to be together in the first place. They repaired their relationship with the increased communication grass brings. I've seen a fair amount of that.