
Bellamy Young Quotes

That is what thrills me, personally. Small acts of kindness; thoughtful, large acts of kindness. I feel like we're in a bit of a precipice, and I think that any beautiful energy on the kindness continuum will just help us fall into a lovelier place.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

You gotta love yourself, because when you're hurting - you never know who's gonna be around to do the lovin' for ya. You gotta love yourself through the pain.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

Nothing is all good or all bad, nothing is black or white, everything is just messy and human and difficult.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

I have to welcome the pain like I welcome the joy.

"Bellamy Young,‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

I feel it is a blessing, a duty, an honor, that we give the love that we have, and we share the lives that we have with our fullest heart.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

There's a lot of life on the planet that needs love, wants love, deserves love, in whatever capacity we are able.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

If I'm feeling hurt, sad, lonely, depressed, and then I shame myself for feeling that, then that's a black hole for me. I really have worked a lot to meet pain with both gratitude and gentleness.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

The more I resist anything, the stronger it gets.

"Bellamy Young,‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

The smallest act has repercussions for the universe.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

Sleep is such a potent, liminal state, and I don't want to drag anything in there that doesn't need to be there.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

I wouldn't make it through the day without singing. It is my solace and my meditation and my release. It lets me know how I'm processing things, what I'm processing, if I'm out of touch in some area.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

'Notorious' is a masterwork. I can watch it every day.

"Biography/ Personal Quotes".

I will just think, why am I singing? Then I will know everything I need to know about what I'm feeling.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

I get a lot of work done in my dreams and I don't want to take anybody else's work with me.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.

I foster a lot. Not humans, animals.

"Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.