If you want to fight the evil you see in finance and industry, get to work reading the corporate filings, see if there has been fraud, and where you find it, report it to the SEC or write about it or blog about it.
I think Darwinism as a theory explaining evolution within species is incredibly brilliant - just unbelievably, incredibly brilliant.
The poor black people in it make the black people in Gone With the Wind look like Malcolm X.
I always assumed scientists were free to ask any question, pursue any line of inquiry without fear or reprisal.
What the White House is trying to do is racialize all politics and they're especially trying to tell the African-American voter that the GOP is against letting them have a chance at a good life in this economy, and that's just a complete lie.
When are American Jews going to realize that the Republican Party is far better for Israel than the Democrats?
My 'thing' is that I just lie in my immense bed and look out the window at the skyline over Virginia and the sky and the airplanes coming into Reagan. I really love doing that.
I am so in love with just lying in bed listening to Mozart.
Wow, bad news. Mr. Obama now hates Israel because the Israelis want to build 1,600 apartments in their own capital city, Jerusalem. Russia hates Israel, too. So do the Europeans. So does Ban Ki-moon, a Korean who is secretary-general of the UN.
So, who in the media is without sin among us? I am in the media and I am a major league sinner. I don't know anyone except my wife who isn't a big time sinner.
Emperor Sid Caesar is gone to eternity himself now. He takes with him the gratitude of every one of us who first learned the relief of laughter from this genuinely great performer.
I agree that there are some bad apples on Wall Street. I spent about ten years exposing corporate and financial fraud for 'Barron's' magazine and I found a lot to write about.
Running a real business is exacting, daunting, repetitive work. Even in Silicon Valley.
Yes, Americans can still get credit for cars and trucks and refrigerators, and those businesses are doing well. But just try to get a home loan now.
I think a snob would be a person who thinks he is entitled; he has good things in his life and is entitled to them.
I think, there are many people who are much smarter than I am, and many, many, many who are much harder-working than I am, but in terms of the range of my activities, they're unique.
I'm out and about meeting people all day long. And I'm very friendly; I talk to just about everybody I meet.
I feel as if I'm in on a pass and am damn lucky to have whatever I have. It could all be taken away in a second.