
Benazir Bhutto Quotes

Freedom is not an end. Freedom is a beginning.

Benazir Bhutto (1989). “Speeches and Statements: Apr. 2-Nov. 14, 1989”

I dream ...of a world where we can commit our social resources to the development of human life and not to its destruction

Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan. Directorate of Films & Publications (2008). “Speeches and Statements: Oct. 1993-Nov. 1996”

To make peace, one must be an uncompromising leader. To make peace, one must also embody compromise.

"Architects of Peace: Visions of Hope in Words and Images". Book by Michael Collopy, 2000.

A people inspired by democracy, human rights and economic opportunity will turn their back decisively against extremism.

"A Conversation with Benazir Bhutto". Interview with Richard N. Haass, August 15, 2007.

What is not recorded is not remembered.

Benazir Bhutto (1988). “Daughter of the East”, Hamish Hamilton