Benjamin Franklin Quotes - Page 51
Benjamin Franklin (2004). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.102, Barnes & Noble Publishing
Benjamin Franklin, William Temple Franklin (1817). “Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin ...”, p.107
Benjamin Franklin, William Temple Franklin (1817). “The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin .. Comprising a Series of Letters on Miscellaneous, Litarary, and Political Subjects: Written Between the Years 1753 and 1790; Illustrating the Memoirs of His Public and Private Life, and Developing the Secret History of His Political Transactions and Negociations. Now First Published from the Originals”, p.250
Benjamin Franklin (2012). “Wit and Wisdom from Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.11, Courier Corporation
Benjamin Franklin (2006). “The Portable Benjamin Franklin”, p.173, Penguin
'Tis more noble to forgive, and more manly to despise, than to revenge an Injury.
Benjamin Franklin (2004). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.211, Barnes & Noble Publishing
Benjamin Franklin (1987). “Poor Richard's Almanack: Being the Choicest Morsels of Wisdom, Written During the Years of the Almanack's Publication”, p.35, Peter Pauper Press, Inc.
Benjamin Franklin (2004). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.102, Barnes & Noble Publishing
Love and toothache have many cures, but none infallible, except possession and dispossession.
Benjamin Franklin (2013). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.42, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
Benjamin Franklin, John Bigelow (2011). “The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Written by Himself”, p.464, Cambridge University Press
What is a butterfly? At best He's but a caterpiller drest. The gaudy Fop's his picture just.
Benjamin Franklin (2004). “Poor Richard's Almanack”, p.79, Barnes & Noble Publishing
François Danican Philidor, Sir William Jones, Benjamin Franklin (1824). “An Easy Introduction to the Game of Chess: Containing One Hundred Examples of Games and a Great Variety of Critical Situations and Conclusions ; Including the Whole of Philidor's Analysis with Copious Selections from Stamma, the Calabrois, &c”, p.237
Benjamin Franklin, Bob Blaisdell (2013). “Poor Richard's Almanack and Other Writings”, p.66, Courier Corporation
Benjamin Franklin (1950). “Letters to the Press, 1758-1775”
Lawyers, Preachers, and Tomtits Eggs, there are more of them hatch'd than come to perfection.
Poor Richard's Almanack, May 1734
God will certainly reward virtue and punish vice, either here or hereafter.
Benjamin Franklin (1869). “Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”, p.233
Letter to Benjamin Vaughan, 14 Mar. 1785
Benjamin Franklin, William Temple Franklin (1809). “Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin ...”, p.239
Benjamin Franklin (2008). “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”, p.28, Applewood Books
Benjamin Franklin, Jared Sparks (1848). “The Life of Benjamin Franklin: Containing the Autobiography, with Notes and a Continuation”, p.122