All these children [who did not have music and art classes at school] go out into the world without knowing that there is anything other than what they have. Of course, children do look at TV, but what does it give them?
You can't just have a clean public space - you also have to have people willing to use it, and something that will draw them in.
Sold my soul. Bought these devil chains.
The [film] industry is an ecosystem that's sick.
Through books and photographs, I saw a world that was not my own - and I realized that there was another world. That's why I'm concerned about education, because it helps our children see other worlds.
Marriage is such hard work. And it's full of rage and real human drama.
From the age of 14 until I was 50, I just got on a treadmill and ran. I never stopped to assess what I was doing or to pat myself on the back.
Image is everything, and the voice or the idea or the song is hardly anything at all. Half the time the person isn't even doing the singing. I'm a bit cynical about this [music] business.
That's why I'm concerned about education, because it helps our children see other worlds. Education is my next big thing. When music and art were taken out of the schools, I went berserk!
Hawaii doesn't smell like sex to me. It's the only place in the world that smells like that, but it's not sex, it's - freedom.
Sometimes, when I wake up, my soul is in another city!
I do look upon all of life as an episode - which is why the people around me are probably on guard!
There's the media-driven universe, in which the public perceives you in a superficial way. Then there's the universe that you actually inhabit, where you have to get up even if you didn't sleep so well, and you feel like crap and your face is swollen.
My daughter very independent. But if she's upset about something, she will absolutely let me know. She's great - a real tough cookie.
I fear for the future of the planet. But in a funny way, I'm even sanguine about that.
For some people, a park is the only place in their entire world where they can see something beautiful.
I've always said that people have unrealistic expectations.
Most people are walking around the city like corpses; they aren't alive enough to notice the trash. They come from other places and they see it as a big garbage dump. Do you want to live and work in a garbage dump? I don't. That's partly because I grew up in the most pristine environment possible - Hawaii, where it is sacrilege to leave your garbage on the ground.
When the movies first started, audiences were dumbstruck to see actresses walking around in evening gowns. They'd never seen anything like that. They wanted to be like those actors and actresses, so the movies informed their behavior. A lot of people started drinking martinis and smoking cigarettes because they felt it was cool.
Through books and photographs, I saw a world that was not my own - and I realized that there was another world.
I decided years ago not to read stories about myself anymore. Each one is a potential minefield: Whatever it says, you're bound to take it the wrong way. Why do it if you know it's going to make you miserable?
I always look old when I work because I get so upset and tense that my face wrinkles up like a prune, I can't stop it.
That's the Oscars for ya - you remember who was nominated, but you don't remember who won!
It's a different world now: Stars come and go quickly, and there are so many of them. I read a statistic that all the record companies combined used to put out around 3,000 albums in a year. Now they put out something like 30,000!
People put barriers up in your path, and one of those barriers is age. They tell you, "You're too old. You don't photograph so well anymore." I know I don't photograph so well anymore, so what can I do? I can do something different, where it doesn't matter as much how I look.